소프트웨어 개발 및 IT 최신 정보 (CSS, 오픈소스, Git, 인공지능, Rust, ChatGPT) - 2023년 2월 27일 월요일
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CSS, 오픈소스, Git, 인공지능, Rust, ChatGPT 등의 IT 관련 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
개발에 조금이나마 도움이 되시길 희망합니다.
IT 최신 정보 - 2023년 2월 27일 월요일
2. Java Garbage Collector 초보자 가이드
3. 소프트웨어 시스템 구축 방법을 배우기 위해 추천하는 리소스
4. JavaScript 런타임 환경에서 동시(Concurrent) 계산 지원 오픈소스 'Concurrent.js'
9. 인공지능 기반 단위 테스트 자동 생성 서비스 제공 'Tabnine'
11. Rust로 2KB 크기의 둠과 비슷한 1인칭 게임 만들기
1. CSS 생성기
버튼, UI, 다양한 그래픽 효과를 위한 CSS 모음 사이트입니다
원본출처 : https://markodenic.com/css-generators/?source=reddit
CSS Generators
You can use CSS generators to avoid some time-consuming tasks.
2. Java Garbage Collector 초보자 가이드
원본출처 : https://rahulraj.io/beginners-guide-to-java-garbage-collector
Beginners guide to Java Garbage Collector
Context Often developers find Garbage Collector(GC) as a synonym for automated memory management. People tend to underestimate the challenges that come with it. Every automated solution has some trade-off associated with it. In C/C++, you need to tak...
3. 소프트웨어 시스템 구축 방법을 배우기 위해 추천하는 리소스
애자일, TDD, 리팩토링, 디자인 패턴, 도메인 중심 설계, 시스템 설계 인터뷰, 지속적인 아키텍처, 아키텍처 관련 책
원본출처 : https://github.com/dchproject/invaluable-resources
GitHub - dchproject/invaluable-resources: Invaluable resources that I would recommend for learning how to build software systems
Invaluable resources that I would recommend for learning how to build software systems - GitHub - dchproject/invaluable-resources: Invaluable resources that I would recommend for learning how to bu...
4. JavaScript 런타임 환경에서 동시(Concurrent) 계산 지원 오픈소스 'Concurrent.js'
오픈소스 : https://github.com/bitair-org/concurrent.js
GitHub - bitair-org/concurrent.js: Non-blocking Computation for JavaScript
Non-blocking Computation for JavaScript. Contribute to bitair-org/concurrent.js development by creating an account on GitHub.
5. 프로젝트 관리자의 성공적인 프로젝트 핵심 활용
Unleashing Your Inner Project Manager and The Key to Successful Projects in the Knowledge Economy
Recently, I finished reading “Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager” by Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore, and James Wood. My…
6. Git용 그래픽 인터페이스 'Glint'
원본출처 : https://glint.info/?ref=producthunt
Glint: A Graphical Interface for Git
7. 2023년 셀프 호스팅 '라즈베리 서버'
원본출처 : https://grifel.dev/decentralization/
Self hosting in 2023
Why I've decided to host my page on my own in home server and how community is building amazing tools like Coolify.
8. 상위 10개 CSS 애니메이션 라이브러리
원본출처 : https://dev.to/coderpad/top-10-css-animation-libraries-656
Top 10 CSS Animation Libraries
For the longest time, developers were limited to Flash players and gifs when they wanted to display...
9. 인공지능 기반 단위 테스트 자동 생성 서비스 제공 'Tabnine'
원본출처 : https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/02/tabnine-ai-unit-testing/
AI-Based Code-Completion Tool Tabnine Now Offers Automatic Unit Test Generation
One of the pioneers in the field, Tabnine is a code completion assistant that uses generative AI to predict and suggest the next lines of code based on its surrounding context. Tabnine is now opening beta access to new capabilities aimed at generating unit
10. 셀룰러 자동화를 위한 액체물리학
원본출처 : http://www.jgallant.com/2d-liquid-simulator-with-cellular-automaton-in-unity/
2D Liquid Simulator With Cellular Automaton in Unity - jgallant's Indie Game Developer Homepage
2D Liquid Simulator With Cellular Automaton in Unity Posted on: January 30th, 2017 by admin One interesting way to represent liquids in a grid based world, is to use a form of cellular automaton. You may have heard of cellular automata from the popular “
11. Rust로 2KB 크기의 둠과 비슷한 1인칭 게임 만들기
원본출처 : https://grantshandy.github.io/posts/raycasting/
Write a First Person Game in 2KB With Rust
Learn about ray casting and discover some fun math by creating a tiny 2KB game with Rust.
12. 혼란이 퍼지고 뿌리 내리는 방법
혼란을 퍼트리는 자들은 누구인가? 거짓뉴스를 지속적으로 생산하는 자들은 누구인가?
How Confusion Spreads and Becomes Engrained
In this article I want to discuss the modes by which confusion spreads and manifests itself in today’s society. First I want to define what…
13. 오라클이 아닌 뮤즈로서의 ChatGPT
원본출처 : https://www.geoffreylitt.com/2023/02/26/llm-as-muse-not-oracle.html
ChatGPT as muse, not oracle
What if we thought of LLMs as tools for inspiring human creativity, not giving us answers? A meta-conversation with ChatGPT
새로운 비즈니스나 개발 업무에 도움이 되시길~
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